Sunday, May 27, 2007


We have had a visit from London Son, right in the middle of term. It was an invitation from the old codger's choral society for a solo slot in their 'Summer Serenade' concert last night.

Our Father was persuaded to do end of year concert so that the choir didn't fizzle out. So we learnt a few part songs with great difficulty, mostly because we had a different choir each week.We also invited the chaiman's daughter to play her recorder solo to fill up the concert.

Any way, London Son (who incidentally is preparing for his final recital at Guildhall) came home on Wednesday and he and our Father looked at possible solos for the concert. The comment from Our Father after the practise was that he had been left behind. The comment from London Son was that Our Father is the only accompanist he has ever played with that can follow the solo line exactly whilst playing. So mutual admiration there.

At the concert, LS really shone. He was terrific. One is so proud of him. Can't begin to describe the variety of sounds and styles we were treated to. Like to think this will help him to give his final recital with greater confidence and polish. However, we won't tell him how good he was in case he gets a big head.

Next week kid sister will no longer be gone french. It will be strange to have her home.

As soon as the extra work load of CSM exams are over, Our Father will begin the balcony in the music shed. And then there is the GSP at the EW of BF when VL and MRS VL come at the end of June.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Am id like to point out that you have now openly praised the prodigal london son...of course its goin to go straight to head...he happens to lack our fathers modesty you know...