Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Things are happening in Cork

At last I know how to open this page and add to our blog. Congratulations to me!

So, just in case anyone is interested, two major things have happened since we started this blogspot.

Firstly, Our Father sent in his resignation to the new Dean. We are now gradually telling our friends and colleagues. There has been no clerical reaction yet.

Secondly, today, at last we have been informed that our buyers have signed the contract to buy our house in Frankfield. This is the point of no return. We will be collecting the money sometime after March 15th. The plan is to purchase the dear little house in Bandon, as decided last August and continue to let it. So we are back on track financially at last.

Meanwhile the Music Barn/ Murphy Room, whatever, is coming on. The electrics are nearly completed and Our Father has built a new box in the new part to re-house Murphy and the other organ bits so that he can use the other old part as a workroom and store. Its all coming on. All we need now is for the gorgeous Gerry to come and sort out the flanders trenches that make up our garden at present. He's supposed to come this week.

Do hope you can get to see this. I think its not possible to publish comments. Can some one else sort this out for me. The e-mail address is our usual one and so is the password. Our surname minus S but plus C. Thanks in anticipation

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Trying to keep up the trend

I'm supposed to be cooking tea, but kid sis decided that it was time Our Father and Mum of all had their own blogspot, so she just organised us. Now we can post all our bits and pieces straight away instead of adding comments to all of yours. Definitely we will not get any house work done in Dean Street...........

Will keep you posted about retirement plans, house sales, etc....

Tea is now a bit overdone so will close this for now.