Sunday, May 27, 2007


We have had a visit from London Son, right in the middle of term. It was an invitation from the old codger's choral society for a solo slot in their 'Summer Serenade' concert last night.

Our Father was persuaded to do end of year concert so that the choir didn't fizzle out. So we learnt a few part songs with great difficulty, mostly because we had a different choir each week.We also invited the chaiman's daughter to play her recorder solo to fill up the concert.

Any way, London Son (who incidentally is preparing for his final recital at Guildhall) came home on Wednesday and he and our Father looked at possible solos for the concert. The comment from Our Father after the practise was that he had been left behind. The comment from London Son was that Our Father is the only accompanist he has ever played with that can follow the solo line exactly whilst playing. So mutual admiration there.

At the concert, LS really shone. He was terrific. One is so proud of him. Can't begin to describe the variety of sounds and styles we were treated to. Like to think this will help him to give his final recital with greater confidence and polish. However, we won't tell him how good he was in case he gets a big head.

Next week kid sister will no longer be gone french. It will be strange to have her home.

As soon as the extra work load of CSM exams are over, Our Father will begin the balcony in the music shed. And then there is the GSP at the EW of BF when VL and MRS VL come at the end of June.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


The Rover didn't make it this afternoon sadly. The tester was very kind and said that it was very good for 15 years old and that we were very good because at 15 it had been re-cycled 3 times compared to people using up the earth's resources by buying new every two years. So I was comforted.

But we need a new roll bar, ball joints, cv boot, windscreen wiper, back brakes to match each other and when all is done, tracking, before the re-test.

Haven't told Paddy yet.....

Our Father has two really intense weeks of exams and then we can really start to make inroads into the gallery for the music room and the GSP (great shed plan). Its all very exciting.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Addendum to last post

Windscreen is covered by insurance.


Just thought I'd bring you up to date on the previous posting as some things have happened!

I) The gorgeous Gerry turned up without warning the same day bls and bbil were having their new kitchen installed. Panic ensued because he would be blocking the drive for them to get away. Thankfully it was dry enough for the kitchen van to go onto the field behind the house and exit at the end ogf the drive. So we've now got tarmac and they have a super-duper new kitchen.

2) On the electrical front they have the kitchen, but no electrics, and we have the external lights but no armoured cabling. Still waiting for the even more gorgeous Tony to come back - so no change there.

3) No sign of the not so gorgeous Barry for the chimney......

4) Yesterday was a red-letter day. After months of waiting Our Father, bbil, bls + no 4 and I went to meet the glamorous Kathryn and, wait for it, Our Father and I are now property owners again. Mind you, bbil and bls are still waiting for their money. There are yet more forms and information needed to conclude their side of the sale. What a business. (Thinking of moving to Finland where things are done in a sensible manner)

5) Have appointment with Paddy for car and keep your fingers crossed for next Wed's NCT.

6) Got new Windscreen, but that's another saga. Took car on Wed to Ballincollig and had to wait for 2 and half hours. Went into M.D. O'Sheas (big store with everything for DIY and home stuff). Looked at outside lights and then went browsing. Saw black leather sofa bed. Now some of you know that I have been hankering after a corner unit like the one in Eva's summer house and that our Father had other ideas (making something?). Any way I got this sofa bed made back into a sofa and thought it looked very neat and would probably be a better bet than other things being suggested. Called Our Father who arranged to come at midday to see it. (The shop were selling at €1000 instead of €1500 as it was a one off) Our Father liked it too, but discovered that there was a fault with one leg which he could repair. Shop reduced price to €900 plus brand new bedding they'd displayed with it, plus leather 4 in 1 cleaning stuff. We decided we needed to know it would fit into alcove and as bls was not at home to measure, we jumped into Moggie and did a quick run to Beeston. Measurements are fine. Back to shop, bought the sofa, plus outdoor lamp standards for garden (also reduced for us for some reason) and then as it was already about 1.30, Our Father rushed home to have lunch before choir practise and I went to collect Rover.

Imagine my horror when the mechanic told me he was unable to fit the new screen because that one had a big crack in it and I had waited for nothing! And our Father was out of reach for a spin and I was going to have to go through the waiting bit all over again.

Thankfully, yesterday we combined the car in Ballincollig with bls going in and out of solicitors and giving me lifts back and forward. So no more exciting finds in DIY shops!

Its taken me ages to write all this. I wonder if anyone has enough time to read it.

Good luck to TOCO and Mrs TOCO in their new home. Hope you are very happy there.