Wednesday, May 16, 2007


The Rover didn't make it this afternoon sadly. The tester was very kind and said that it was very good for 15 years old and that we were very good because at 15 it had been re-cycled 3 times compared to people using up the earth's resources by buying new every two years. So I was comforted.

But we need a new roll bar, ball joints, cv boot, windscreen wiper, back brakes to match each other and when all is done, tracking, before the re-test.

Haven't told Paddy yet.....

Our Father has two really intense weeks of exams and then we can really start to make inroads into the gallery for the music room and the GSP (great shed plan). Its all very exciting.


Viking Longship said...

What can I say, you will insist on driving these modern cars!

Mum of All said...

Just think how many times your vehicles have been recycled. Your carbon footprint is relatively tiny and you are to be congratulated!

Anonymous said...

but surely the older the car the worse the emmisions...i dreamt you brought me a ford fiesta n then put in the back garden for me...not very useful there mum...

Viking Longship said...

I don't think I would like to go into my carbon foot print as all of the last 4 cars I have struggle to get over 25 to the gallon.....