Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Best wishes to the travellers.

London Son is off with the EUYO. Our Parents wish him all the very best during the tour, which looks to be very exciting. See euyo.org.uk for details.

Kid sis has just completed her first week and is settling in and getting to parle le francais tres bien! We await more details when she can get to the internet.

Our parents are just about getting used to the house being child free. On my return, Murphy is still the same side of the door, food stays in the fridge and we can bolt the door at bed-time without worrying who is still out. Its so strange.

Today, thanks to the great energy and enthusiasm of bbil and big little sis we have emptied Franfield of all its contents and have shut the front door for the last time. All things being equal it will be sold on Thursday. If not the new owners have to pay a penalty for each day over.

The new Dean was installed on Sunday. The service went well and lots of people commented on the music. BUT... our new Dean thanked everyone from the Archbish, who preached, to his cats, and completely left out the choir and organists. It makes one very glad to be off.
Meanwhile there should have been a Rural Dean's inspection on Thursday. Now we've been told that they will wait and bring in the Diocesan Architect during the vacancy. I've e-mailed the Rural Dean and told him the reason Our Father gave 6 months notice was so that there wouldn't be a vacancy!

Am finding it very hard to know what to say to people who are guenuinely sad that Our ~Father is going. We have been told lots of lovely things and whilst mostly they say its good for us, they think the Cathedral will never be the same. Our Father has been, along with the late Jim Swanton, the unifying force through all the changes of Clergy. Meanwhile, RBW was told in no uncertain terms that Our Father will not be helping him out with his music problems at Moviddy.

Time now to get back to the house work..... ABRSM exams start tomorrow.


the other cold one said...

I think that what they do after you are gone is very much their problem. And, if they decide to um and ahh over a new organist, and the choir dies, it will in no way be dads fault. If this happens, it will show how much he has done and meant. If someone else comes in and continues it at the same standard (a hard act...) then it will show how well dad had it all set up, so you come out on top both ways. It's only when you leave that people come out of the woodwork to say thank you!!! I'm sure that there are ex penpushers from the House of Brooks that feel very self-righteously that they are the only ones holding the place together in times of need and change!!! Look forwards, not backwards.

Viking Longship said...

Congrats with Frankfield.

We need to discuss plans for the Summer regarding when it's a good time for us to come and visit/help!!

Nick said...

Many congrats on both developments & acquisition of blogging skills. Excellent stuff - and definitely my new favourite blog. Onwards & Upwards!