Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Keeping Up With The Boys!

We too have been very busy since Christmas. Sadly we can't produce lovely photos to show off all we've done, but you'll have to make do with the descriptions.

Our Father gave himself a few time limits for the outstanding jobs......
End of march 2008 Greenhouse
End of march 2008 All internal cupboard doors
End of summer 2008 Music room upper part completed and integrated into lower part.

So at March 4th 2008 what have we achieved?
Base of greenhouse and back and side block walls set. Front and back frame built. Old windows sorted into what will go where.
Foundations for most of the raised flower beds dug and some have concrete base in them. Mum of all is going to learn to be a brickie and will be building these herself. Hope they will be strong enough to survive the weight of soil inside them.

Internally, we rebuilt the cupboard to left of sink and made a space for microwave and put our Finnish bought drainers in the next bit for the new crockery to be stored in. However, there are no more cupboard doors, because the cathedral asked our father to build a wooden screen for their entrance barrier. This has involved a lot of designing and re-designing and is really very clever. If the router hadn't given up the ghost the other morning, the job would be nearly finished. This time round, Our Father will get paid for his work.

Hopefully, the two weeks at Easter will allow large achievements.

BBil and Big little Sis have had their share of excitement, having installed a Wind Turbine, which has sadly managed to burn out its inverter. So they are hoping this is only teething troubles as the electric Aga is coming soon.

Its wonderful to watch spring coming and to see the birds starting to nest in the new nesting boxes. I spend hours watching their antics.

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