Friday, November 30, 2007


It is 3 full months since I even saw this page on the computer. Life without the internet is hard work. But apart from that we are very, very happy in our new life in Beeston. It all seems to be working out grand.

The neighbours do their own thing and we do ours, mostly being away from home as our Father has still got a lot of work teaching the organ at the brand new very beautiful School of Music.
What a change for him - a warm room and all comforts on site.

You will be glad to know that gradually I am getting cupboard doors and other outstanding jobs in the house, but much more importantly, the music room upper part is being worked on now.
Also the garden. The aim is to have the green house up and running by March, so that we can start planting there-in. The front garden is totally set up. I even have a bird-bath to add to the bird-table and washing up takes for ever as I try not to move too quickly behind the window and disturb the birds. What joy!

Sunday mornings are amazing. Instead of being woken by the phone (So and so isn't able to come to service - got a cold, birthday party, granny visiting) we are woken by heavy footsteps on the stairs. Murphy has had enough of waiting patiently for his breakfast and a run.

So you now have a picture of our new life and how glad we are to be semi-retired.

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